lunedì 28 ottobre 2013

Mac Lubuntu How-to Enable Brightness Control on Display Tip

iMac Lubuntu Saucy How-to Enable Brightness Monitor Control

The Tip Show Visually How-to Enable Brightness Display Control for Lubuntu 13.10 Saucy on a iMac Apple Computer.

Here below the Screen-Shot Shows How-to Change Brightness on iMac with Lubuntu 13.10 Saucy Installed.

Lubuntu 13.10 Saucy How-to Share Files Over Network - Featured

To Enable Brightness Control Start the Power Manager

How-to Create a Custom App Launcher on Linux Lubuntu Main Menu:

How Launcher for Lubuntu Menu

Preferences >> Power Manager

How-to Install Google-Chrome Browser on Lubuntu:

Install Chrome for Lubuntu
Linux Lubuntu Saucy Desktop Open Power Manager

How-to Install Evernote Linux Clone on Lubuntu:

Install Evernote for Lubuntu